Supply Chain Management Journal - Highly cited journalopen access advantagewidely indexed
Archives Journal of Supply Chain Management Research and Practice
Highly cited journalopen access advantagewidely indexed
Archives Journal of Supply Chain Management Research and Practice
Highly cited journalopen access advantagewidely indexed
Supply Chain Management Journal 2020 Volume 11 Number 2 Supply Chain
Highly cited journalopen access advantagewidely indexed
(PDF) Review of Supply Chain Management and Logistics Research
Highly cited journalopen access advantagewidely indexed
International Journal of Supply Chain Management International Peer
Highly cited journalopen access advantagewidely indexed
Percentage of Supply Chain Functions Offshored in "Principles of
Highly cited journalopen access advantagewidely indexed
Supply Chain & Logistics Magazine o.mind creatives
Highly cited journalopen access advantagewidely indexed
(PDF) Supply Chain Management in Healthcare A Literature Review
Highly cited journalopen access advantagewidely indexed
International Journal of Supply Chain Management International Peer
Highly cited journalopen access advantagewidely indexed